11 april 2020

Increase your mental power

So, here we are. In a totally new situation, with a lot of new challenges. How to study at home? How to become productive with temptations like Netflix, Facebook or your bed so close? How to stay in contact with your friends, study mates and relatives? In the upcoming posts we try to help you with these questions and support you to make the best of it. This time on increasing your mental power by choosing the right mindset.

 What is your mindset like?

To make things easy, Carol Dweck found out that your mind has only two possible mindsets available. The first one is a fixed mindset, the other one is the growth mindset. Guess what is the best mindset in times of change and challenges? Right, the growth mindset. But unfortunately, that’s not always the one your mind chooses. So, how do you recognize the two mindsets?

Carved in stone?

When you are in a fixed mindset, you are afraid of radical change. You believe your capabilities are carved in stone and you are either good or bad in something. So, when confronted with change, you will probably sit and wait until it’s over, or you might compare yourself with others who perform even worse in order to make you feel better. You probably look at failure as the limit of your possibilities and when frustrated you tend to give up.

Opportunities to grow…

When you are in a growth mindset, you feel that change comes with great challenges that can help you grow. You believe that you can learn everything you want and that effort and attitude determine your abilities. When you fail, you feel like there is opportunity to grow. This way, you look forward to change and you feel challenged to not only make the best of it, but even get out of it better than before.

I haven’t failed,

I just found 10.000 ways

that won’t work.

(Thomas Edison)

The good news …

Human beings like have a fantastic ability. We are able to reflect on our thoughts, our behaviour and even on our existence. This comes with a lot of problems, like being aware of the fact that life is not endless or like the regrets we have about something we did or didn’t do. But it also gives us the opportunity to improve our thoughts and behaviour. So, it’s time to check your mind now and choose to think the better thoughts!

What to think and say to yourself?

To look, think and perform from a growth mindset here are some nice mantra’s for you. Write them down and put them in places where you can regularly see them. Or just implement them into your conversations with others (and see if they notice 😉). Observe the feeling these mantras give you.

1.      I am an excellent learner

2.      I have beautiful talents I can use

3.      I can change

4.      I can always improve

5.      Perseverance is a skill that I can develop by the choices and decisions I make.

And now … get rid of your #1 problem!

Pick your favourite mantra from above. Think about what you consider your number 1 problem at this moment. When we think about our problems, we humans mostly visualize them somewhere in front and above us. Now visualise that your number 1 problem comes from this above-and-in-front-of-you-position, to an in-front-and-beneath-you-position. Recite your favourite mantra and step forward ‘on the problem’ and determine how you can improve your performance on this problem.

Good luck and have fun!