4 juni 2020

Be nice


When the going gets tough, be nice to each other. That’s what the saying should have been like. During this corona crisis, you might get disappointed, demotivated, stressed, emotional or frustrated. You can try to be tough and resilient. Whether you are successful in coping with the crisis or that you aren’t, there is one thing we can all do for each other to things easier and that is: being nice. By the way it’s not only good to be nice during this corona crisis, there are several reasons to be nice in whatever circumstances, because:

1.      Everyone has to urge to feel acknowledged.

2.      It makes you feel good.

3.      It gets you connected with others.

With the following tips you probably realise being nice is so easy! So why not put some of them into practice?


Smile, nod and say hello to everyone you cross paths with.


It’s such a simple thing to do: give someone a genuine compliment. How?

1.      Observe someone well and find something you genuinely like.

2.      Focus on behaviour instead of characteristics

3.      Make it easy to respond for someone, for example by ending with a question.

For example say: “Hey, this dish you created tastes delicious. You probably like to cook a lot, don’t you?”


When we listen to others we can be looking for things we already know, things we have experienced as well or things that we can relate to. As an act of random kindness: try to be a better listener. Try to hear and see everything. The facts, the emotions, the body language, leaving out everything that you already know and what you can relate it to. Listen as if you hear it for the very first time and be curious. Summarize to make sure you understand correctly and have no fear of the moments of silence that might occur.


Just start to do little things for someone. Make a cup of coffee or tea, ask if you could bring something from the supermarket or better: bring something for them from the supermarket by surprise. To give away or share.


Do the same as with #4. Invite some others to your plan, secretly pick a particular person together and start to be nice individually but behind the scene, you act as a group. When the secret is revealed, involve the ‘victim’ and together pick a new person.

Have fun sprinkling around kindness…