6 December 2023 19.30 hour - 21.30 hour

Global Comedy Night


Hilarious, razor sharp, sometimes strange, but always funny. Comedy Night is a casual evening with a selection of comedic talents. On a Comedy Night you see the best comedians and MC Adam Fields who talks the evening together. A real Londoner who has been living in Amsterdam for a while. He observes the Dutch and shares his amazement with the audience through his inimitable British sense of humor.

Stop by! Comedians' wacky stories will automatically make you produce endorphins and happiness hormones. After a night of Comedy, you'll find yourself standing outside again feeling refreshed and energized. Treat yourself to that full tank of endorphins and that fresh and energetic feeling.

Global Comedy Night i.c.w. Comedytunes, because there is never enough to laugh at!


This time in the line-up, two comedians with 'miles' of humorous experience in their pocket:

Wilko Terwijn

Wilko has been a stand-up comedian since 1995 and has performed everywhere since then. From New York to Lowlands and everything in between. He broke through with his New Year's Eve stand-up shows on TV and entered the theater with his solo performances. Wilko was a regular participant in De Grote Improvisatieshow. He also works a lot behind the scenes. He is one of the head writers of the Comedy Central Roasts and also did so for Prime Minister Mark Rutte's Correspondents Dinner.

Despite the countless TV projects, his radio columns and his work as a Creative, stand-up comedy is still his first love. He regularly performs in the country in the theater and comedy clubs.

Tom Rhodes - The headliner of this comedy evening

Tom is a world traveling comedian who is now celebrating his 30th year as a stand up comedian.  The New York Times  describes him as “A mostly natural intellect with a knack for reporting the harsh realities of life with a dark and absurdly optimistic cynicism.

An adventurer forging his own path, Rhodes has built a career that not only includes stand-up specials,  a sitcom,  a travel show,  a late night talk show,  numerous live CD’s & DVD’s,  his critically acclaimed podcast Tom Rhodes Radio,  as well as being a travel writer for the Huffington Post. Fresh from releasing his new hour special Light Sweet Crude  on Netflix Rhodes has had a long raucous career covering every corner of the globe. 
He’s been on: Comedy Central, Netflix, BBC, The Tonight show, Kevin Masters Late Night & Yorin Travel.

Vrijhof - Amphitheater
6 December 2023 19.30 hour - 21.30 hour