Ambassador Mentoring Programme

Student engagement is a prominent component of the education experience at the University of Twente. Whether it is a full-time board year at a study association or managing a committee at a sports club; student engagement is vital to keep the student community at the UT dynamic but also greatly contributes to your own personal development. However, the Student Union, together with the Alumni Office, wants to encourage you to keep developing yourself after your board year by contributing in the Ambassador Mentoring Programme (AMP)! Moreover, you can receive support for your future professional ambitions through unique access to senior professionals from the UT alumni network as part of the Ambassador Mentoring Programme.

The AMP focuses on connecting University of Twente student leaders who have completed the SU Engagement certification with high level managers from the university’s alumni network. Participating students have a chance to develop transferable skills, focus on career development, obtain guidance on career goals, develop networking skills, and learn about workplace dynamics to assist in the transition from the campus to the employment world.

Below, the conditions for participating, a comprehensive explanation of the programme and the link to the application form can be found.


Still doubtful about whether you are eligible for this certificate? Contact us in order to be sure!

What can I expect from the programme?

When you meet the aforementioned conditions, you can apply to participate in the Ambassador Mentoring Programme. However, it is likely that you still have many questions about what you can expect during this programme. Therefore, we have created a comprehensive information document that will inform you about the programme, the concept of mentoring, the application process and what your role will be during the programme. 

Application form

When you have decided to part-take in this programme, it is important to fill out the following application form. This form consists of three questions that will help the Alumni Office to understand what you want to achieve during this programme and who might be a suitable mentor for you. Please note that you can answer the questions in either English or Dutch, as Dutch students might also be linked to a Dutch-speaking alumnus.


In case you have any questions or comments, you can always contact activisme-erkenning@union.utwente.nl!