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engagement recognition

As a board member you have meant a great deal to the student community. It is not only important that you receive a financial compensation for this, but also that you get recognition for your work. This is why it is possible to apply for engagement recognition which will be awarded in the form of an official certificate. In this way, you can demonstrate to future employers that you have spent at least 40 weeks working for a student organisation. Besides, you can also request an Edubadge, with which you can also show this digitally.

Your certificate is issued by the board of the University of Twente, the Executive Board. The Rector Magnificus, Tom Veldkamp, is involved with the engagement recognition and signs all the recognitions personally.

Below, the conditions, procedure and guidelines of the application are explained in more detail for both the full- and the part-time engagement recognition. Please take care that you download the files applicable to your type of application, as they differ in content.

Full-time recognitions 


Still doubtful about whether you are eligible for this certificate? Contact us in order to be sure.

Procedure and guidelines

When you meet these conditions, you have the opportunity to apply for an engagement recognition. Before you start writing, read the procedure and the guidelines. In the procedure, the entire application process is explained. In the guidelines, you can find how the application should be written.

Is your reflection report finished? Then it is ready to be sent to us. Use the button at the bottom of the page, under the header “Handing in your report”, to send the report to us.

Part-time recognitions


Still doubtful about whether you are eligible for this certificate? Contact us in order to be sure

Procedure and guidelines

When you meet these conditions, you have the opportunity to apply for an engagement recognition. Before you start writing, read the procedure and the guidelines. In the procedure, the entire application process is explained. In the guidelines, you can find how the application should be written.

Is your reflection report finished? Then it is ready to be sent to us. Use the button below, under the header “Handing in your report”, to send the report to us.

Handing in your report

When your reflection report is finished, you can use the button below to send your report to us. On this form, you should also indicate whether you are applying for a full- or part-time engagement recognition. Your report will be read and judged by the Engagement recognition Committee (AC). The AC consists of five students: Rick Witbreuk, Charlotte Smit, and Dominique Westerveld.

Receiving the engagement recognition

When your report has been approved, the certificate will be printed and signed by the Student Union and the Rector Magnificus. Therefore, it will take several weeks after the approval, before you can collect the certificate. As soon as your certificate is ready, the AC will contact you to make an appointment with you to collect your recognition certificate.


If you have any questions or comments, you can always contact!