engagement recognition and edubadges

Why formal recognition?

As a board member or committee member you have meant a great deal to the student community. It is not only important that you receive a financial compensation for this, but also that you get recognition for your work. This is why it is possible to apply for engagement recognition and/or an Edubadge which will be awarded in the form of an official certificate or digital certificate. In this way, you can demonstrate to future employers, the importance of your extra-curricular activities.

Below, the conditions, procedure and guidelines of the application are explained in more detail for both the full-, the part-time and committee engagement recognition. Please take care that you download the files applicable to your type of application, as they differ in content.

full-time board recognition
procedure, guidelines and conditions
get more info
part-time board recognition
procedure, guidelines and conditions
get more info
Committee recognition
procedure, guidelines and conditions
get more info

Difference engagement recognition certificate and Edubadge

You can obtain an Edubadge for your extra-curricular activities within a full-time or part-time board or a committee. An Edubadge is a digital certificate than can be published to your LinkedIn page. In addition, former full-time or part-time board members will receive a printed certificate. This certificate is issued by the board of the University of Twente, the Executive Board. The Rector Magnificus, Tom Veldkamp, is involved with the engagement recognition and signs all the recognitions personally.

Receiving the Edubadge and engagement recognition

When your report has been approved, you will receive information on how to confirm your Edubadge. If you are also eligble for a printed engagement recognition certificate, you will be invited for an engagement recognition pick-up lunch. This lunch takes place two times a year.


If you have any questions or comments, you can always contact activisme-erkenning@union.utwente.nl!