fines policy


Also in the college year  2024-2025 the fines policy will be followed strictly, so make sure to purchase your UnionCard and association fee (if necessary) on time. There is sufficient time to purchase a UnionCard and the association fee before the first check. 



Year Card 


Association fee year 


1st fine Card 


2nd fine Card 


+ purchase Card 


1st fine association fee 


2nd fine association fee 


+ purchase association fee 


N.B. the fines will be given to the associations and not to the individual student. The association should come to a solution together with the student in case of a fine. 

FINES policy Saxion

In order to have a proper administration, also in the college year  2024-2025 the fines policy will be followed strictly, so make sure to purchase your CampusCard and association fee (if necessary) on time. There is sufficient time to purchase a CampusCard and the association fee before the first check. 



Year Card 


Association fee year 


1st fine Card 


2nd fine Card 


+ purchase Card 


1st fine association fee 


2nd fine association fee 


+ purchase association fee 


N.B. the fines will be given to the associations and not to the individual student. The association should come to a solution together with the student in case of a fine.