Portfolio holder Sports and culture

Pim is responsible for the future of the sports and culture facilities at the University of Twente. In cooperation with the Sports Centre, the Vrijhof Culture & Events, the Sports Umbrella Twente and Apollo, her job is to maintain the facilities and improve them where possible. This will foster an environment in which students can fully enjoy sports and culture both with their association as well as individually!

Large projects such as acquiring a new sports hall or gym also fall under the Sports & Culture portfolio. Pim is responsible for the UnionCard and the cooperation with Saxion University and ArtEZ. In order to bring benefits to all students, the position also involves a lot of contact with external parties such as the Twente Ice-rink, Aquadrome, the City Theatre and Enschede’s Music Centre. 

Pim Brouwer

Study: Technical Medicine
Active at: O.D. Xoun, T.C. Ludica
Comes from: Ansen, Drenthe, Netherlands
E-mail: p.a.brouwer@utwente.nl

At the start of my student days, I entered as a fresh student of Technical Medicine. The student-for-a-day program had convinced me of my choice of study – I found my study programme fascinating, but the feeling I got upon seeing the Campus and the atmosphere within associations convinced me to choose Enschede. This was quite the transition – not only did I move into a student house, but coming from a small village in Drenthe, life in a city (even a cosy town like Enschede) was a big change, and I spent my first year constantly amazed.

For me, the Kick-In was an introduction to the various types of engagement that we know and can be active in at the UT. While I was aware that there was plenty to do beyond studying, the many forms this could take were unknown to me. After an incredible week and a few months in lecture halls, I joined the independent mixed fraternity O.D. Xoun. Here, I've formed close friendships over the years, engaging in numerous activities that inspire me to make the most of my student days. Thus, every Wednesday evening, you'll find me at Café Friends. Simultaneously, I've learned a lot from the numerous committees that my fraternity has been able to offer me.

In my second year, I decided to take up a new sport – tennis. I joined T.C. Ludica, where I quickly discovered that a sports or culture association comes with a significant social aspect. At Ludica, I've met incredibly fun people, learned from committees, and, not to forget, picked up a new hobby that I continue to enjoy to this day. I also haven't entirely let go of playing the piano, something I used to do often, and as a result, I can occasionally be found in the piano studios that the Vrijhof provides.

In one word, I would describe myself as active. Active outdoors, actively engaged in things I enjoy, but also ambitious to share this activity with everyone – that's why the Student Union suits me well, and why I'm looking forward to working as the portfolio holder Sports & Culture in the upcoming year. In this role, I get to oversee an incredibly enjoyable sector driven by passion – quite understandably, as sports and culture, in my opinion, aren't just nice extras but primary necessities of life.

At the university, we already have access to a wide range of sports and cultural associations, courses, and facilities. However, herein also lie interesting challenges, which I'll have the opportunity to tackle in the upcoming year. So, I hope to contribute my bit to the Sports & Culture sector this year. Do you have questions or ideas about sports and culture at the UT? Please feel free to send me an email or drop by at the Bastille. Together, let's make our university even better!