12 October 2021 16.00 hour - 17.00 hour

Online Lecture: Sleep Smart - Sense and nonsense of sleep

Sleep not only is nice, it is also very important.

As a human being the biggest part of our functioning is unfluenced by how much and how well we sleep. And good sleep is such a pleasant part of our 24 hour day.  But when sleep doesn't come natural to you, it can be one of our biggest challenges and can ruin our well-being. In this lecture Ed de Bruin will present a model of sleepregulation, how it can influence our sleep, and why it is so important for your physical and mental wellbeing.  

About Ed de Bruin:

Ed de Bruin is a professor at the PGT faculty at the University of Twente. His research is focused on de children's outpatient clinic GGZ UvA Minds. He has a background in clinical neuropsychology and in sleep research. His education is mostly focused on sleep- and behavioural sleeping problems for adults and on e-health and mindfulness in the mental healthcare. Ed de Bruin is an graduated sleepspecialist and mindfulnesstrainer. 

Online - Microsoft Teams
12 October 2021 16.00 hour - 17.00 hour
Free access