7 December 2023 18.30 hour

Intro to CNC machining

Join us to this hands-on workshop on CNC machining, the cutting-edge technology that has revolutionized modern manufacturing.

During this workshop, you will learn the basics of CNC machining and how to operate a CNC machine to create precise parts and components. Our experienced instructors David and Nick, will guide you through the entire process, from programming the machine to setting up the workpiece and running the operation.

You will have the opportunity to use our equipment, including bits, CNC and material, to design and learn how to manufacture your own parts. You will also learn about the different types of CNC methods, their applications, and their advantages over traditional machining methods. This workshop is ideal for anyone interested in pursuing a career in manufacturing, engineering, or design, or for hobbyists looking to expand their skills and knowledge. By the end of the workshop, you will have an understanding of CNC machining and the basics to begin yout journey into operating our CNC machine on your own.

Register here: 

DesignLab - Room Inform - Mworkshop
7 December 2023 18.30 hour