31 October 2024 18.00 hour - 19.30 hour

Join our free body oriënted breathing training

Many people recognize that feeling of restlessness in your body, of nervousness. Your breathing moves emotionally from your stomach to your ribs or even higher and your breathing rate shoots up. Sometimes it isn't easy to relax afterwards. With prolonged stress, your breathing slowly becomes disrupted. In an almost imperceptible way, you begin to breathe more and more shallowly and less efficiently. This costs your body an unnecessary amount of energy and can cause various physical and mental tension complaints. 

What will you learn?
In this 8 - week training, you will learn how to :

-       recognise stress signals in your body;

-       improve your breathing for better relaxation;

-       stay calm in stressful situations;

-       tools to prepare for exams and manage emotions

Participants who have completed this experience feel that they are capable of more than they previously thought.

Duration: 8 meetings of approximately 1.5 hours plus assignments in between
Dates: 3,10, 17, 24, 31 October and 14, 21, 28 November 2024 (Thursdays)
Time: 18.00
Location: VR 310 (next to red desk)
How to register? You can register online (via Canvas)

Participation is free of charge. When international students attend, the course will be given in English.

31 October 2024 18.00 hour - 19.30 hour
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