25 September 2024 19.45 hour - 21.45 hour

Duitenberg Committee Interest Drink

On Wednesday the 25th of September we will dive into the different committees that Duitenberg has to offer. The chairmen of the committees will pitch what every committee is about and what is expected of you. You will have a chance to ask questions about the committees and get familiar with what to expect. At the moment we have 4 committees with room for more. The current committees we have are: the Monday and Thursday Investment committees, the Activity committee, and the IT committee. If you are interested in joining a committee and gain more experience in the field of investing, organising or IT, be sure to join! Even if you are not interested, it will be a very fun evening so come grab a drink with us!

The Monday and Thursday committees are for investing. They are responsible for managing the association's stock portfolio and proposing investment to the board. Members do not get financial risk as the portfolio is financed by Duitenberg, making it a great opportunity for inexperienced investors to gain practical experience. Experienced investors get to benefit from different perspectives and socialize.

Then there is the Activity Committee. They organize poker tournaments, Whiskey and Cigar Evenings, New Year’s Dinner, company visits, trips and much more.

And finally, we have the IT committee. If you are interested to combine your IT knowledge with your financial knowledge, this is the place for you. The current project that the IT committee is working on is a trading bot, but there is much more to learn and work on which will be made clear.

Sign up here!

Join the group chat here!

>Outside the UT campus - De Vluchte, Oldenzaalsestraat 153a
25 September 2024 19.45 hour - 21.45 hour
Free access