The Royal Netherlands Society of Engineers (KIVI) is a Dutch association of more than 12.000 engineers and engineering students. The Defence and Security Division (KIVI-DV) provides a platform in order to meet, learn and exchange information. Therefore we organize events such as lectures, symposia and company visits.
On the 27th of March we organize a symposium in collaboration with KIVI Students Twente.
The topic of the afternoon and evening will be Nuclear Power. The program is still under construction, but it will cover generation IV reactors, lessons learned from the past, fast (re)acting reactors (the coupling between reactor, steamturbines and the HV-generator), as well as Allseas and their plans within Nuclear Drive.
For working people, we’ll demand 15 euro for the catering (luxurious sandwiches and beverage (non-alcholic)). In case of special dietary requirements you can notify us.
The students? Since you are our main focus: this symposium, food and beverages are FREE!
More information and registration via the KIVI website: Generation IV-reactors - Activiteiten - Defensie en Veiligheid - Vakafdelingen - Communities - KIVI