more than a degree

At the University of Twente, there are a lot of opportunities to participate in student life. There are numerous student associations or other organisations to find friends and to develop yourself. Whether your interest lies in sport, culture, study-related subjects, or just to meet friends. There is always a place for you!

As a student, you can organise student activities for other students (in your association) by participating in for example a committee. The Student Union wants to stimulate all students to develop themselves during their student life. Therefore, we stimulate students to participate in these extra-curricular activities and to start new initiatives. You can do this on your own or with others from your organisation. As Student Union, we call this engagement.

Because by organising activities, leading an organisation, starting your own company, or building your own solar boat, you will learn skills and competencies that you wouldn’t learn during your academic study. You will learn to cooperate, lead, network, communicate and so much more. Our mission is to empower you to achieve More Than your academic Degree!

The More Than A Degree program of the Student Union stimulates and facilitates students to develop themselves. Every student who is involved in the student life of Enschede is, often without knowing it, involved with the More Than A Degree program. The program can be divided into four phases, these phases provide space for the development of many different competencies, which are described here.

  1. Being not (yet) engaged
  2.  Small engagement
  3.  Big engagement
  4. Engagement ambassador.


To stimulate personal development outside the curriculum at the University of Twente, the Student Union informs students about More Than A Degree and promotes participating in student social life. Are you just interested in joining an association? Visit the Give It A Go - platform, where all student organisations in Enschede are viewed.

The Student Union also promotes engagement with for example activities. Think of for example the More Than A Degree – Info Market which is organised every year in the spring. This is a very suitable opportunity to orientate and get informed about possible ways to become active!

The Student Union also recognises the importance and appreciation for engagement at the More Than A Degree Awards. Every year the students who have delivered exceptional achievements for or in the student community of Enschede are put in the spotlight to learn from how they achieved More Than A Degree!


The Student Union facilitates personal development for students in various phases. For example, as a student you can participate in the YER Development Track or a Kroegcollege. Students who are participating in a board of a Student Team receive special attention within the Student Union through the Board Improvement Programme to follow professional workshops. The University of Twente, in cooperation with the Student Union, provides financial support for several forms of engagement. For more information on these FOBOS engagement grants, you can visit this webpage.

MTAD - Info Market
More Than A Degree Awards
Engagement recognition and Edubadges
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Board Improvement Program
FOBOS - Engagement Grant
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