President, Portfolio Holder Strategy & Policy, Staff and organisation
As chairman, Annick is the general point of contact for the Student Union. She communicates various ideas and criticisms to the right people. In addition to the chairmanship, she manages the Staff & Organisation and Strategy & Policy portfolios. From the Staff & Organisation portfolio, she works on the continuous improvement of the HR policy of the Student Union Community. Not only does she focus on this policy, she can also be seen as a confidential advisor for every employee, board member or committee member who works within our organisation. In collaboration with our Office Manager, she ensures that the entire Student Union Community can perform the work properly and pleasantly. She is also responsible for the organisational structure of the Student Union.
Her main task within the Strategy & Policy portfolio is to translate visions and strategies into decisions that the board makes for long-term policy. In terms of outline, the chair is familiar with the various management portfolios.