UT, Saxion, ROC van Twente and Aventus join forces with Novel-T SMART

Covid-19 poses great challenges for companies and institutions, while at the same time it is a huge driver of innovation. Change and renewal can be vital. The knowledge institutions of the University of Twente, Saxion University of Applied Sciences, ROC van Twente and Aventus make the following appeal to companies and institutions: use students, in the form of projects and internships, to increase your innovative strength. This offer is bundled in one office: Novel-T SMART. The team behind this counter helps to fine-tune the assignment and to match the right students.

In Deventer, the initiative to link companies in crisis to students had already been started by Saxion, Aventus and a number of supporting partners. This has been further developed in collaboration with the knowledge institutions in Twente, with Novel-T SMART as the central entrance.

Students seek Practical Experience

In addition to companies and institutions, students also experience the challenges of the current crisis. Many have not yet been able to find a graduation project or internship assignment due to Covid-19. Putting what you have learned into practice is an important part of various studies. This is why, through Novel-T SMART, the knowledge institutes are calling on companies and institutions to present their goals and problemsĀ to students. This can easily be done with the SMART Match Team at smartdoordecrisis.nl.

How it works

Companies or institutions that would like to solve a problem or see an opportunity to innovate, contact the SMART Match Team. This team includes contacts from all four institutions and from Novel-T SMART. They will help to sharpen the question, when and by which students it is best to answer this question and in what way. The solution can take various forms: an internship, a team assignment or even a mix of students from these knowledge institutions working on an assignment. The students are recruited through the courses by the SMART Match Team.

Current assignments

A number of orders have already been received at the counter through existing contacts. For example, the Lebuinuskerk in Deventer has submitted an assignment about virtual tours. FC Twente and Heracles have asked to develop scenarios for playing matches in the coming months. The Ondernemershuis Deventer has also formulated questions about new working methods and business models.


The initiative SMART due to the crisis was initiated in collaboration with the knowledge institutions and the following partners: Ondernemend Twente, VNO NCW, Rabobank Enschede-Haaksbergen, DEP (Deventer Economic Perspective), Ondernemen 055 and De Persgroep. Novel-T Novel-T helps new companies start with innovative ideas or pioneering inventions and renew existing organizations. Novel-T SMART is the link between regional business and students to accelerate innovations. The desk helps sharpen the innovation demand of companies and translate it into a student project. Questions for SMART due to the crisis can be submitted from today on www.smartdoordecrisis.nlĀ