The Student Union is offering a personal leadership development track in association with the international recruitment agency YER.
During this track you will learn to take charge of your own life. In the first two training sessions you will discover what your motivations are and you will translate these into concrete goals. In the last two training sessions you will learn how to take others along in your vision. This way you can really make a difference!
The YER development track is a trajectory of four training sessions with which you can also earn an Edubadge: a digital badge with which you can demonstrate that you have acquired certain knowledge or skills.
Practical information:
- Dates: 24 nov, 1 dec, 15 dec and 12 jan from 18:00 to 20:30
- Location: Pantheon 2
- Including dinner
- Free!
Training 1 | Who am I?
Before you take action, you must first determine your course. That is why you will gain knowledge about your personal motivations during this training. You will be introduced to Ikigai, the secret of the Japanese island with the most hundred-year-olds in the world.
- Introduction personal leadership
- The quality game
- Core values: what is really important to me?
- Ikigai: the secret to a long and happy life
Training 2 | Where do I want to go?
Now that you’ve set your course, it is time for action! During this training you put that dot on the horizon and you draw up a watertight action plan. We will discuss how to ensure that you actually achieve your goals.
- Your dot on the horizon
- The bears on the road
- Plan of approach
Training 3 | Negotiating effectively
We negotiate every day: whether it’s about what you and your housemates are going to eat in the evening, about who will take on what task within your committee or about your salary. During this training you will learn how to stand up for your own interests and how to ensure that the outcome is optimal for both parties. In short: a win-win situation.
- The Orange Case
- Win-win: how do you both get your way?
- LSQ (Listen-Summarize-Question)
- Negotiate!
Training 4 | Presenting with impact
You are sailing a clear course, but how do you take others along with you! During this interactive training you will learn which different aspects are involved in presenting and how to use them so that your vision really comes across to your audience.
- Crib, Living, Work
- Non-verbal communication
- Preparation is key
- Make an impact
- The power of stories
- Final presentations