21 april 2020

Write your loved ones

By Buro Winners

New channels

We are looking for new ways to get together now. For example drinking a beer with your friends using Discord, having Skype dinners with family, watching a movie together using Netflix Party. Technology can help us a lot now. But why not get back to the old channel: writing a letter?

Who do you miss?

There is probably people that you really miss at the moment. Maybe you stayed at university so you miss your family. Maybe you went home to your parents and you miss your roommates. Maybe your grandmother is over 70 and it’s not wise to visit her. You can probably think of someone that you really appreciate or love that you can not visit at the moment.

Create this special moment

It begins with noticing the envelope, that has your name hand written on it. It gives you this exciting feeling. You are wondering who has taken the time to sent you a letter or who wants to say something that can’t be said using Skype or Whatsapp. Opening a handwritten envelope can be a bit like unwrapping a present. Maybe you sit down before you open it. As soon as you see that what comes out of the envelope is a hand written letter, you will create some time for this, because this is probably something special. Why not create such a special moment for some you care about?

Letter writing

is the only device

for combining solitude

with good company.

(Lord Byron)

Who to write?

You could think of your boy- or girlfriend, your mother or granddad to write to. But why not try to think a bit further than the usual suspects as well? How nice to write an uncle that you met a lot as a kid, but you don’t see often nowadays? How nice to write a friend from high-school that you had so much fun with, but has got out of sight? How nice to write your brother or sister? As a kid, maybe you could start a war with them, but maybe now you get along really well?

What to write?

Everything you write that comes from the heart is good. But if you are looking for some things that get you going, check this:


-        Start off with the purpose of your writing.

-        Ask questions about their wellbeing.

-        Share a nice story of something that you experienced.

-        Recall shared memories.

-        Name the things you like, appreciate or love about this person. You can focus on their character, but also on thing this person regularly says or does.

-        Tell the effect this person has on you.

-        Suggest something to do when you can meet again.

-        Add your wishes for this person.

Enjoy the process

Writing your loved ones a letter is not only about creating a special moment for them. You should also consider the potential feeling that writing will give you by bringing up memories, expressing your thoughts about someone and realising your gratitude for having him or her in your life. It is such a nice way to connect!

Enjoy embracing them with your words!