15 December update
15 december 2020

Update 15th of December 2020

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Corona melder
19 augustus 2020

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Re-opening Bastille
2 juni 2020

The Bastille is opening again! But with adjusted regulations.

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Student Against Corona Awards
28 april 2020

Unfortunately, recent changes have brought about detrimental consequences for other aspects of our society. Production lines are shut down and global supply chains disrupted, bars and restaurants were forced to close their doors and hospitals are struggling to accommodate a growing influx of patients.

But, as the global economy totters in the face of this global challenge, a new realm of opportunity is opening up. In times of crisis, the real heroes stand up and work together. Those with the farsighted optimism to see the silver lining and unite in their innovation and creativity will be the pioneers leading us to a better future.

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Enactus unites for students
24 april 2020

Due to Covid-19, many students experience loneliness and especially international students since they are not able to see their families and friends. We want to show that we are one big family and that we care. Therefore, we organise online games (Skribble) + discord to talk and connect. 

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Dutch Corona news in English
20 april 2020

Dutch Corona News is translated on this facebook page to English: https://www.facebook.com/NOSinEnglish/

This could be handy for our international students.

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Contact Mathijs to Pick up important stuff from Bastille!
30 maart 2020

If you still have to enter the Bastille for one last time (to pick up important stuff), you can only come with a SU board member. For this, please contact Mathijs de Ruiter and arrange with him when you can enter the Bastille. Please keep this within working hours (from 9.00 – 17.00 h).

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Bastille is closed!!
29 maart 2020

The building is also close for boards, who have an office in Bastille. This means that also the students with authorization cannot enter the Bastille anymore.

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Union Shop is closed!
23 maart 2020

Union Shop is closed at least till the 28th of April.  

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Only boards are allowed in de Pakkarij and Watersport complex
23 maart 2020

Only Boards of the associations, who have an office in de Pakkarij and Watersports Complex are allowed into the buildings 

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Union Locations are Closed!
19 maart 2020

All-Union Locations are closed for Students, which includes Bastille, de Pakkarij, Water sports complex,  Wallstreet,  de stek, Bastille- Atrium, and Global Lounge. 

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Community Works from home
16 maart 2020

In regards to the Corona measures by the government of the Netherlands, The SU community is going to work from home. The Student Union Board, Kick-in committee, Create Tomorrow committee is working with usual work hours but available via email.

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